Fast-Track Your Wrestling Skills

To become the best you can in Jiu-Jitsu, you NEED to perfect your wrestling skills – offense and defense alike. This course, taught by a former D1 wrestler and BJJ black belt, will teach you how to do just that.

  • 3.5+ hours of concepts & techniques video lessons, quizzes, upcoming bonus content, & more!

  • Great for all levels: beginner, intermediate, and advanced BJJ practitioners alike

  • 40+ years of grappling knowledge: taught by a former D1 wrestler & a BJJ black belt

How good is your wrestling?

Ever felt like a fish out of water during standup in BJJ?

When your coach calls "start from standing", do you feel unsure of yourself?

Well, you're not the only one.

Fact is, takedowns and throws aren’t typically most Jiu-Jitsu coaches specialty or expertise.

Leading them to either ignoring stand up grappling completely, or teaching less than optimal technique.

Sure, you might be a wizard on the ground – but that doesn't mean much if you can't get the match there, right?

Yeah, you've got your guard pulls... But what about the real stand-up game?

Without solid takedowns & throws, you're giving away half your game. It's like going into a boxing match with just one glove.

So here's the deal: getting to the ground on your own terms is half the battle. Standup isn’t just an "extra" – it's essential.
And the good news?

This course has everything you need to know to wrestle effectively, safely and technically.

Why You Should Learn To Wrestle:

  • No More Fear

    Feeling nervous, afraid even when you have to start from standing? It doesn't have to be that way. If you learn how to wrestle (both attack and defend), you'll feel more comfortable with your Jiu-Jitsu – training and competition alike.

  • A Complete BJJ Game

    Think of wrestling as that missing piece in your BJJ armor. Without it, there's a chink, a vulnerability. But with it? You're fortified, ready, and bulletproof on the mats... A force to be reckoned with, that can take on anyone – standing or on the ground.

  • Improve More, Win More

    Even though wrestling isn't taught as often (nor as well) as it should be, more and more BJJ practitioners are adding it to their skillset. So, if you don't want to lag behind – if you want to improve & win like they do – then wrestling is a must.

Hi, we're Jordan and Joe...

We're the guys behind this course. Jordan is a Jiu-Jitsu black belt who created the popular Jordan Teaches Jiujitsu YouTube channel, as well as a BJJ coach and academy owner with over a decade of BJJ experience.
Joe is a former D1 collegiate wrestler and a wrestling coach, with 30+ years of grappling expertise (wrestling, judo, and Jiu-Jitsu).

Throughout our BJJ journeys, both of us have recognized a glaring gap: the lack of use of basic wrestling techniques on the mats.
With my years in Jiu-Jitsu, I (Jordan) have often witnessed BJJ practitioners struggle from standing, when attempting and defending takedowns.
On the flip side, Joe, with his three decades of wrestling experience, noticed that a lot of BJJ gyms don't teach wrestling properly.

So what did we come to realize? To truly excel in BJJ, you cannot ignore the importance of skills that wrestling brings to the table.
It's not just about adding a handful of wrestling moves to your arsenal, though. But it's about understanding what makes wrestling work as a whole – the many underlying concepts, tactics & details, as well as the techniques... Which is why we've created this course.

It is our combined effort to provide you – the BJJ practitioner – a deep dive into wrestling’s core concepts, techniques, tactics and details that are particularly effective on the Jiu-Jitsu mat.
Dive in with us, and supercharge your BJJ game with the power of wrestling.

Concepts, Systems, & Techniques

In this course, you'll learn a number of wrestling takedowns and throws. You'll also learn the important concepts that make these techniques work, as well as various systems to set them up – such as the Underhook System, Collar Tie System, Single Leg System, & more!

Video Tutorials & Quizzes

This course is jam-packed with 30+ video tutorials of techniques, concepts, & systems – all presented in a practical and straight-forward way. Plus, it also has a number of quizzes, so that you can reinforce what you've learned and improve faster than the speed of light!

Superb Offense & Defense

Learning to wrestle means that you know both how to take your opponents down and prevent them from taking you down. This course will teach you proper wrestling offense and defense – adapted and geared toward the BJJ mats.

40+ Years Of Combined Experience

Both Jordan and Joe are seasoned BJJ & wrestling practitioners. They've been training, competing, and coaching in Jiu-Jitsu & wrestling for over four decades... And they're sharing all that you need to know for a great standup game in this course.

Here's What Others Have To Say
About Our Content:

“Awesome breakdown! I'm a BJJ brown belt trying to improve my wrestling and I learned so much from this.”


“I trained for years in Judo and BJJ and this is the first time I have heard these concepts. Better late than never I guess. Thanks.”


“Thank you so much for all the work you share with us, Joe. I started wrestling 2.5 months ago and your videos have been of TREMENDOUS help. I'm learning a ton. PRICELESS information.”


“Thanks for this video, this is exactly the kind of stuff that I need in my BJJ standup game.”


“Dude you are fixing practically all my crappy jiu jitsu takedown fundamentals. Thank you for the great coaching!”


“This is brilliant. Your teaching style is clear and easy to follow, and it’s helping me to understand some more fundamental principles of grappling that I can put to work in jiu jitsu.”

Ryan Miller-Melancon

“Amazing how this is missed by so many BJJ instructors...”

Victoria M.

“Your videos are gold man. The fact that you always mention that the techniques you show should always work on the highest level shows that all this is legit.”


“Amazing content. I can tell you have a lifetime of grappling experience and the passion to share it. Stoked to implement stuff that you’re showing. Thank you.”

Jake Biondo

“You have a unique way of explaining things that anyone of any level can apply. Love this channel and I share it with everyone.”

Mark Lasco

Learning To Wrestle Is A MUST For BJJ Practitioners

At least if they want to fulfill their potential...

Can you spend your whole BJJ life without ever having learned a single takedown technique? Sure. You can always pull guard or start from the knees –if the training/competition rule set allows for it (and if you have bad knees or some other injury).

But would you want to have literally half of your grappling game missing... Just because you've never learned how to wrestle? Just because, even though you wanted to, you never figured out where to learn from and how to do it?
Well, now's the time to change that. Because the ultimate resource is here.

The Wrestling For BJJ Course contains everything you need for becoming great on your feet.
You'll learn a vast number of techniques, details and concepts that make it easy to understand why (and how) these techniques work, efficient systems for setting up your takedowns & throws – as well as how to defend and counter them.

The course is taught by a former D1 wrestler and a BJJ black belt; it's got 3+ hours of content, 30+ video tutorials, a number of quizzes, and (soon) bonus content – all meant to make sure you learn, understand, and use your wrestling skills to the best of your ability in Jiu-Jitsu.
In short, it's the most comprehensive course on wrestling for Jiu-Jitsu.

Take a look at the "What's in the course" section below for more info.

Who is the Wrestling For BJJ Course for?

  • Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

    If you're a beginner in Jiu-Jitsu and don't have much experience under your belt, but want to learn how to take people down, then this course is for you! You'll learn basic wrestling concepts and techniques that will make you confident on the mat – because you'll know how to take the match to the ground with ease!

  • Intermediate & Advanced BJJ Students

    Have you been training for a while already – and know a thing or two about Jiu-Jitsu and takedowns as well? Then you're in luck, as the systems, tactics & details taught in this course will make your wrestling skills at least as good as your ground game... If not better – both when it comes to offense and defense alike.

  • Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

    If you're a BJJ coach, then teaching your students wrestling is a must if you want them to improve as much as possible. And with the concepts, systems, techniques, & details you'll learn in this course, you will be able to teach them everything they need to know to be confident on their feet & enjoy your classes even more.

What's in the course?

    1. Conceptual Overview: Stance

    2. Quiz - Conceptual Overview: Stance

    3. Conceptual Overview: Inside Position

    4. Quiz - Conceptual Overview: Inside Position

    5. Conceptual Overview: Posts

    6. Quiz - Conceptual Overview: Posts

    1. Stance

    2. Quiz: Stance

    3. Inside Control

    4. Quiz: Inside Control

    5. 50/50 Positions

    6. Quiz: 50/50 Positions

    7. The Underhook System

    8. Quiz: The Underhook System

    9. Shot Mechanics

    10. Quiz: Shot Mechanics

    11. Outside Single Leg Finishing Mechanics

    12. Quiz: Outside Single Leg Finishing Mechanics

    13. Dealing With The Sprawl: Part 1

    14. Dealing With The Sprawl: Part 2

    15. Quiz: Dealing With The Sprawl

    16. Dealing With The Outside Single Leg: Part 1

    17. Dealing With The Outside Single Leg: Part 2

    18. Quiz: Dealing With The Outside Single Leg

    19. Outside Single Leg To Leg Lock Entry

    20. Quiz: Outside Single Leg To Leg Lock Entry

    21. Basic Grip Fight To Outside Single Leg

    22. Quiz: Basic Grip Fight To Outside Single Leg

    23. Inside Single To Double Leg Setup & Von Flue Choke

    24. Quiz: Inside Single Setup To Double Leg & Von Flue Choke

    25. Meat Hooks & Push-Pull Options

    26. Quiz: Meat Hooks & Push-Pull Options

    27. Collar Tie System

    28. Quiz: Collar Tie System

    29. Collar Tie System: Russian Tie

    30. Quiz: Collar Tie System - Russian Tie

    31. Blast Double Leg & Kesa Gatame

    32. Quiz: Blast Double Leg & Kesa Gatame

    33. Attacking The Quad Pod: Part 1

    34. Attacking The Quad Pod: Part 2

    35. Quiz: Attacking The Quad Pod

    36. Reversing Turtle: Part 1

    37. Reversing Turtle: Part 2

    38. Quiz: Reversing Turtle

    39. Mat Returns

    40. Quiz: Mat Returns

    41. Sprawl Defense

    42. Quiz: Sprawl Defense

    43. Shin To Shin Wrestle Ups

    44. Quiz: Shin To Shin Wrestle Ups

    45. Fixing Common Mistakes: The Single Leg

    46. [eBook] Top 5 Wrestling Mistakes in Jiu-Jitsu

About this course

  • $149.00
  • 52 lessons
  • 3.5 hours of video content
  • Bonus eBook ("Top 5 Wrestling Mistakes in BJJ")
  • For No-Gi Jiu-Jitsu Only

Improve Your Wrestling Skills For Jiu-Jitsu, Today.

Learn the concepts, systems, techniques, tactics, and details to launching people in the air...
And supercharge your BJJ game with the power of wrestling.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is the course available on mobile phones and/or through an app?

    The course can be accessed through any browser on your mobile device or computer. Additionally, you can download a dedicated learning app called "Thinkific" on your Android or iOS devices. Follow this link to get started

  • Is it possible to download the course to my computer?

    No, it is not possible to download the course content.

  • Can I ask questions in the course?

    Yes, you can! The course is designed to foster discussion and collaboration among the students. Jump in and join the conversation to further develop your wrestling knowledge.

  • Does the course apply to gi, no-gi, or both?

    The course covers techniques & concepts that apply to no-gi Jiu-Jitsu.

  • Are refunds available?

    Customer satisfaction is my number one priority. If you encounter any issues, please contact me directly at [email protected]. Please note, the refund policy allows for a full refund within 14 days of purchase.

  • Will the course be regularly updated?

    Yes, I am committed to providing the most up-to-date and relevant content to the students. Course updates – such as the bonus content – are already in the works, so stay tuned for some exciting announcements!